

Tokyo’s Recommended Onsite(Delivery) Massage Salon

Tokyo's Onsite massage salon MIRAKU

MIRAKU, is truly Recommended Tokyo ‘s English Available Onsite Massage Salon.

Is it hard to find a Good Massage Salon in Tokyo??

When you stay in Tokyo in few days in trip or several weeks in business, it’s easier to find a Great restaurant than to find a good massage salon. People love to share how much they satisfied with their foods and want to share same experience with other people who love Tokyo.

Why not Massage??

Tokyo has Thousands of massage salons in hotel, at street, and anywhere.However even now, the comments of Good massage experiences are not so much shared nor posted.I somehow understand now, therefore massage is invisible experience and up to individual feeling, would be hard to share the feeling with pictures.

That’s WHY this time I introduce MIRAKU to you,

because our Japanese customers’ 90% say our massage quality is GOOD.

What’s MIRAKU?

WE, MIRAKU is a Tokyo’s Onsite Massage Salon. At hotel, at a Guest House, at a Service Apartment or anywhere, we can dispatch our well trained massage staffs to your place almost within 30 minutes from the order.

English Available

We offer SHIATSU (Dry massage), Oil treatment and Facial massage strive to offer relaxing experiences, provide individually customized, attentive treatments with a high quality service.

We put tremendous effort into our guests’ satisfaction with our unique massage treatment methods.Our therapists are all well trained.

Menus & Prices

Body Care Massage(Dry Massage, SHIATSU)

・60min. 8,200 yen (including tax)

・90min. 11,000 yen (including tax)

・120min. 14,300 yen (including tax)

・150min. 17,600 yen (including tax)

・180min. 20,900 yen (including tax)

Extra each 30min. 4,300 yen (including tax)

Oil treatment

・90min. 13,200 yen (including tax)

・120min. 16,500 yen (including tax)

・150min. 19,800 yen (including tax)

・180min. 23,100 yen (including tax)

Extra each 30min. 5,500 yen (including tax)


・90min. 12,100 yen (including tax)

・120min. 15,400 yen (including tax)

・150min. 18,700 yen (including tax)

Extra each 30min. 4,400 yen (including tax)

Option menu

・Optional Facial treatment 30min. 5,200 yen (including tax)


In Shibuya-ku, Minato-ku, Shinjuku-ku, Shinagawa-ku & Meguro-ku =(Orange Areas)

we DON’T charge any transportation fees over 120 min. course.

In case of ordering 60 and 90 minutes menu in Orange areas, we charge transportation fees same as in other areas.

If you have any question about that, please ask.



Transportation Fee

Orange Area : 2,200 yen
Yellow Area : 3,300 yen
Green Area : 4,400 yen
Gray Area : Out of service

How to offer

Call to 03-6823-8646, during our opening time 19:00-2:30,

or Email us info@miraku.tokyo

and let us know, ①when ②where ③which menu ④how many people

you would like to ask.

How to pay?

Cash and Credit Card (VISA, Master Card, American Express, Diners, JCB) are available.



Thank you very much for coming our site. I’m SAITO, the manager of this Massage Salon.Our well trained 28 female and 3 male massage therapists, would be glad to serve you.

I’m very proud to introduce and give the experience of our massage service for you.We are all welcome your questions or any contact.

We are looking forward to serving you soon.


Onsite Massage Salon MIRAKU
Please feel free to contact with us

Reservation hours : 18:00-02:30
Opening hours :  20:00-03:00

東京都港区南青山2丁目2番15号 ウィン青山内
予約時間 19:00-02:00 営業時間 20:00-03:00

If you contact from LINE, plus 5 minutes head massage!!



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